Heleonix is a common name for a set of free open source libraries to speed up and simplify routine development.
Heleonix.Testing.NUnit - The library for writing tests in BDD and AAA styles.
Heleonix.Testing.Reporting - The .NET CLI tool to generate customizable human-friendly reports from technical test results.
Heleonix.Build - The MSBuild-based build framework for applications on CI/CD systems. This framework is aiming to simplify implementation of different CI/CD stages for applications on CI/CD systems, like GoCD, Jenkins, TeamCity etc.
Heleonix.Execution - Provides a command line arguments builder, methods to run executables and extract outputs, etc.
Heleonix.Extensions - Provides predicative and other useful extensions for objects, strings, enumerables etc.
Heleonix.Guard - Provides performant extensible guard functionality for methods to throw exceptions, for example to validate passed in arguments as well as other constructions.
Heleonix.Reflection - Provides reflection functionality to search and invoke type members, search types, generate delegates etc.
Heleonix.Docfx.Plugins.XmlDoc - The Docfx plugin to generate documentation from xml-based files via intermediate template transformations into Markdown.